
Friday, May 18, 2012

Metode untuk bisnis internet

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the crying little girl

That evening, Hasan al-Basri was sitting on the porch. Apparently he was relaxing stroll.Shortly after he sat down to relax, through the body with a procession of mourners behind him. Under the coffin the corpse was carried to walk a little girl sobbing. His hair looked rumpled and loose, not regulation.Al-Basri interested in the appearance of the little girl. He got out of his house and take part in the procession. He walked behind the girl.In between the crying girl heard the words that describe the sadness of his heart."Dad, this is the first time I experienced something like this."Hasan al-Basri said the little girl saying,"He also had never experienced something like this."

converted to Islam because of the pharaoh mummies

A native of French SurgeonDeclared himself to Islam, due to the mummy of PharaohProfessor Maurice Bucaille is a leading surgeon in the world who came from France. He has an amazing story. He explains the causes he had left the Catholic religion in anutnya many years, then said he embraced Islam.After completing his studies at the high school, he menetepkan to take on a univertsitas medical school in France. He was one of the students who excel until the end of the year, because of intelligence and expertise, he later became a prominent physician in France.France is a country known to maintain close and importance of ancient relics compared to other countries, especially in the leadership of metron Fransu 1981.In that year, the French asked for permission to Egypt so that they are given the opportunity to inspect and examine the mummy of the famous Fir'aunnya.

kerena mumi firaun

Seorang Dokter Bedah Berasal dari Prancis
Menyatakan dirinya masuk Islam, disebabkan oleh Mumi Fir'aun

Professor Maurice Bucaille adalah seorang dokter ahli bedah terkemuka di dunia yang berasal dari Prancis. Ia mempunyai cerita yang sangat menakjubkan. Ia menjelaskan sebab musabab dirinya meninggalkan agama Katolik yang telah di anutnya bertahun-tahun, kemudian menyatakan dirinya memeluk agama Islam.
Setelah menyelesaikan study setingkat SMA-nya, ia menetepkan untuk mengambil jurusan kedokteran pada sebuah univertsitas di Prancis. Ia termasuk salah satu dari mahasiswa yang berprestasi hingga akhir tahun, karena kecerdasan dan keahlian yang dimilikinya, dia kemudian menjadi seorang dokter terkemuka di Prancis.

the story of a barber

A customer came to the barber to cut hair and smoothing his beard. The barber began cutting hair and begin to engage their customers are starting to warm conversation. They talked about many things and various variations of the subject, and just switch the subject of God. The barber says, "I do not believe God exists"."Why do you say that?" Said the consumer. The barber replied, "Well, you just look ahead, on the streets .... to realize that God does not exist. Then tell me, if God exists, are there people who are sick? Is there an abandoned child? "He continued," If God exists, there will be no pain or distress. I can not imagine he said the All-Merciful God will let it all happen. "The customer thought for a moment, but did not respond because he did not want to start an argument. The barber completed its work and the customer left the place the barber.Some time after the customer leaves the room, he saw a man on the street with long hair, wavy rough "mlungker-mlungker" (his term Java), a dirty and unshaven whiskers. The man looked dirty and unkempt.Then the consumer back to the barber and said, "You know, actually that does not exist in this world is a barber."The barber did not accept, "You can really say that? I'm here and my barber. And I just mencukurmu! ""No!" Evasive of the consumer. "Barbers do not exist, because if there is, there will be no people with dirty long hair and brewokan like people who are out there," the customer added."Ah no, but there remains the barber!" Protested the barber. "What you see is their own fault, why did they not come to me," the barber replied defensively."It fits!" Said the consumers agreed. "That's his main point! Equal with God, the LORD IS THERE TOO! But what happened? These people DO NOT WANT HIM TO COME to, and WILL NOT FIND HIM. Therefore a lot of pain and distress in the world affected by this. "The barber was eventually shyly nodded approving these arguments and thank God for this event, so it can find a Beautiful and Delicious Rezeki Greatest.The story above tells the story of faith, belief, or monotheism,But, sometimes we are defeated by the devil. Absolutely, defeated. Ah, yes what? Yes! The devil, so ugly, he still had the name of faith.- Satan believe that God was God. Imagine, some people still regard the others as God.- The devil's faith that Allah Almighty. Satan believe that for God nothing is impossible. Imagine, some people still deny, "It's impossible, it's impossible!"- Satan believe that the Prophet Muhammad and the Quran is true. Imagine, some people still question. This is evident when most people are still looking for someone else as a role model and look for other sources as the primary reference.- Believing that Satan exists Judgment Day. Imagine, some people still doubted. This is evident when some people still dare to cheat, steal, and torture, as if nothing will be returned.- Satan believe that heaven and hell exist. Did not he ever was in heaven and humans will not necessarily be in heaven? Imagine, some people are still guessing.Believe me, IMAN it is a 'provision' is most expensive and largest ... What about faith?

abdurahman bin 'auf

he is a man who converted to Islam two days after Abu Bakar Islamic assidiq. Fought alongside the Prophet in Mecca, suffered humiliation, torture and humiliation of the great pagans of Quraish and various other trials. But like his other friends, torture did not cause them to recede struggling, even more to improve the quality of his faith. He was among those who participated emigrated, and after arriving in Medina, the Ansar Companions met and accepted, then the Prophet be friends with them by Sa'ad ibn Rabi 'al Anshary, one of the richest in the city. Knowing Abdurrahman ibn Auf leave his wife and his wealth in Mecca to emigrate following the Messenger of Allah, one day there is a very interesting dialogue ...

"Brother, I was the richest man in Medina. I have two gardens and two wives. Choose which one you love gardens, and wife where you want. I'll take it off to a garden, and be your wife," said Sa'ad. Get this offer, reject it with a fine ibn Auf, and said,
"May God bless your family and property, just show me where the market". Then began he tried to become laborers on other people, sometimes to be porters of goods. And any income earned partly saved, partly he infakkan. In a time not long, he began to buy goods to sell later. Because honesty, persistence and expertise in business, his business was growing, and in just two short years he already has his own caravan, to establish business relationships with various people in various countries.

Which is very interesting from Abdurahman ibn Auf berinfaknya this is the spirit. Once upon a time according to the Prophet spoke, "O people, bersedekahlah! Because I wanted to send troops". He rushed home and returned to set aside, he said, "O Messenger of Allah, I have a 4000 dirham. Half lent to God. And the other half I left for my family." This event occurs before the battle of Uhud. Likewise, when before the battle of Tabuk. Medina was having a bad season. The distance traveled so far, while supplies are available and transportation is very limited. Prophet called on Muslims to berinfak. And they were soon to meet this appeal, and the vanguard of course, Abdur-Rahman ibn Awf. He himself menginfakkan entire estate, and actions that encourage Umar ibn Khattab reported, he said, "O Messenger of Allah, I think Rahman ibn Auf hardship on his family, and this includes sin, because he did not leave anything to them at all."

Then the Prophet called Abdurrahman ibn Auf, and asked, "do you have to leave something for your family?"

"Already," he replied, "I left a lot more than that kuinfakkan,"

"What is it, and how much?" asked the Prophet

"Rizki ie, goodness and reward promised by Allah and His Messenger."

After the Prophet's death, he was in charge of taking care of ummahatul-believers, provide for their needs and maintain their dignity. He never sold the land valued at 40 000 dinars, and the proceeds divided them out to the wives of the Prophet, the people and the poor and the indigent muhajirin. Prayer of the Prophet proved. He became the richest friend. Property that has brought him into the person to receive the blessings and pleasure of Allah. Being thankful people by constantly
help and attention to the needs of others.

Medina had happened one day shaking and rumbling since the arrival of a convoy of caravans ibn Auf 700 camels carrying a full load of merchandise,

"What was that?" asked Siti Aishah

"The voice of Abdurrahman ibn Auf caravan," said one

"God bless all who diinfakkan in the world, and a greater reward in the Hereafter. I heard the Messenger say that Ibn Auf will enter heaven if you do not want to crawl berinfak." It turned out that in the not too distant, Ibn Auf heard Aisha saying this, and he immediately went to him, then asked:

"O mother, do you hear the words spoken by the Prophet?"

"Right," said Aisha.

His eyes sparkled. His heart was filled with happiness, he said:

"O Mother, be my witness, I want to enter heaven by standing up and running. All this camel with all existing merchandise kuinfakkan sabilillah fi for the cause."

May God always blessed you, O Companions of the Prophet, I am really happy to know them as the example beings. Love of God, loyalty to the Prophet, his desire to get the pleasure, his yearning to enter paradise, it has been growing extraordinary spirit of sacrifice, sacrifice, and sacrifice with what they have. This is human unity. People who truly understand the meaning of laa ilaha illa Allah, Prophet Muhammad al.

Through this story, there are some important lessons we can take, namely:

- There is no love without sacrifice. Such a deep love for Allah and His Messenger berkoban foster a spirit of extraordinary. And this is only possible because of monotheism has been the foundation of all philosophy of life and activity keduniaannya.

- Man of tawheed is the one who always be optimistic, have Himma (work ethic) is high, kafa'ah (capabilities and professional), and continued to hone his soul and his ability.

- The principle of unity of human life is give, give, give and take. Not like we take and give: take the first and give, but give, give and give, and then they take what God gives.

- Always set aside any income available for savings. Future oriented, and be anticipatory of all possibilities. Mengamal human
God's commands, among others, in Sura al-qashas [28]: 77

the story of a log

One picture that can be used as a lesson is what is told by the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam about two people in the ancient Israelites. The story is narrated by Al-Bukhari in his Saheeh mu'allaq and Al-Imam Ahmad in his Musnad from the hadith of Abu Hurairah, from the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam,أنه ذكر رجلا من بني إسرائيل سأل بعض بني إسرائيل أن يسلفه ألف دينار, فقال: ائتني بالشهداء أشهدهم. فقال: كفى بالله شهيدا. قال: فأتني بالكفيل. قال: كفى بالله كفيلا. قال: صدقت. فدفعها إليه إلى أجل مسمى فخرج في البحر فقضى حاجته ثم التمس مركبا يركبها يقدم عليه للأجل الذي أجله فلم يجد مركبا, فأخذ خشبة فنقرها فأدخل فيها ألف دينار وصحيفة منه إلى صاحبه ثم زجج موضعها ثم أتى بها إلى البحر, فقال: اللهم إنك تعلم أني كنت تسلفت فلانا ألف دينار فسألني كفيلا فقلت كفى بالله كفيلا, فرضي بك وسألني شهيدا فقلت كفى بالله شهيدا فرضي بك, وأني جهدت أن أجد مركبا أبعث إليه الذي له فلم أقدر وإني أستودعكها. فرمى بها في البحر حتى ولجت فيه ثم انصرف وهو في ذلك يلتمس مركبا يخرج إلى بلده. فخرج الرجل الذي كان أسلفه ينظر لعل مركبا قد جاء بماله فإذا بالخشبة التي فيها المال فأخذها لأهله حطبا, فلما نشرها وجد المال والصحيفة ثم قدم الذي كان أسلفه, فأتى بالألف دينار فقال: والله, ما زلت جاهدا في طلب مركب لآتيك بمالك فما وجدت مركبا قبل الذي أتيت فيه. قال: هل كنت بعثت إلي بشيء? قال: أخبرك أني لم أجد مركبا قبل الذي جئت فيه. قال: فإن الله قد أدى عنك الذي بعثت في الخشبة فانصرف بالألف الدينار راشداHe (sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam) mentioned a man who asked for the Children of Israel to someone other than the Children of Israel in order to lend him a thousand dinars. Then said the owner of the money, "bring me witness, that I testified to them."The man who borrowed it said, "Allah is sufficient as a witness."The owner of the money said, "Give me a guarantee."

be a beggar for the sake of science

Imam Baqi Al-Andalusi Bin Makhlad disguised as a beggar to listen to the knowledge of Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal rahimahullah.This is another story, including a unique story more interesting, what happened to a pious Maghrib region, from among the scholars of the Maghrib Aqsa traveling eastwards. A pious Maghreb region are traveling to the east to meet one of his Imam and take knowledge from him. However, when he reached him, he found it was in isolir and the gallant, humans should not be met. So, he blindly tactics and unique way, so he could meet him and take knowledge from him. The possible ways you never imagined, that if it did not happen. And, history is the father of wonder and uniqueness.

love of worship but do not love science

There is one common mistake that is currently happening in the midst of the Muslims; love of worship, but not love science. We often see Muslims flocked to worship, remembrance, sunnah prayer in congregation, or bershalawat, but not to attend the majlis science. There is a presumption of worship greater value than sitting down to get one or two chapters of science.In fact, in the presence of Allah Ta'ala was no difference between groups degrees of knowledge and are not knowledgeable. Word:

"Say:" Are the same people who know people who do not know? " Indeed the berakallah who can receive the lessons. "(Surat az-Zumar [39]: 9).Abu Hurairah and Abu Dhar Al Ghiffari - may Allah meridloi both - once said, "Learn one chapter of science is more to my liking than a thousand rakats sunnah prayers."While Umar also said,

grave digger story

al stories, in the days of yore, There is a young man digging his grave and stole the shroud to be sold. One day, the young man met with an expert service to express his frustration and desire to repent to God's. w. t. He said, "As long as I'm digging the grave to steal the shroud, I have seen the odd case that happened seven corpses. Because I was very aware that the actions are very cruel and wanted to repent.""First, I saw dead bodies in the afternoon to face the qiblah. But I dig the original pabila grave at night, I saw his face telahpun postpone mecca. Why was there so, my master teacher?" he asked. "Dear young people, they are the group who had mensyirikkan Allah during his life. Because Allah humiliate them with their faces turned away from mengadap mecca, for membezakan them than other Muslim groups," replied the expert service.Continued the young man again, "the second group, I see their faces during their exquisite inserted into liang Lahad. When the night when I dug their grave, I see their faces telahpun exchanged into pigs. Why is it so well, my master teacher? " The experts answered prayer, "O young man, they are the group's disdain and left the prayer during his life. Indeed prayer is a practice that was first brought to account. If the perfect prayer, then completed the practice, we practice the other,"

Connect the young man again, "O master teacher, a third group that I see, by day his body looks like a regular Sahaja. When I dug his grave at night, I saw his stomach too bubble, out of the caterpillar are too many rather than the stomach. " "They are the type who likes to eat the forbidden treasure, O young man," replied the expert worship again."The fourth group, I see the bodies of his body was exchanged into a round black stone color. Why was there so, my master teacher?" Experts answer is worship, "O youth, men's groups who derhaka to both mother father when he died. Allah Almighty was not the man who menderhakai Redha mother father.""The fifth group, I saw some bodies were very long nails, until her entire body coiled around the bush and out all the contents of his body," continued the young man. "Young man, they are the type who likes to decide Silaturrahim. During his life they love to strike up a fight and not spoken more than three days. Did not the Messenger of Allah once said, bahawa sesiapa not spoken more than three days is not included in the class of the people of the king," worship the expert explains.

craftsman padlock so chaplain

After Imam Shafi'i died in 204 H. his disciples began to spread Islamic law to the various parts of the Imam. Indeed, they not only spread, but also to develop and even perform ijtihad-independent ijtihad.Dissemination activities and development gave birth to two models, Model Iraq and Khurasan models. Model Iraq led by Abu Hamid al-Khurasan Ashfirayini and Model led by Al-Qaffal as-Sagheer. Both models gave birth to great scholars in traditional schools Sayafi'iyah, until then came the era of Imam Nawawi and Imam Rafi'i that unifies both models.It's interesting to imitate the story of Al-Qaffal as-Sagheer, founder of the Model Khurasan, in starting the search for knowledge. Imam Adh-Dzahabi in Siyaru A'laam-Nubala An 'even put it as an entry in his life steeped.

difficulty of finding a science

Nasab historians and experts, Ibn Sa'ad, said in his book Thabaqatul Ath-Kubra, VI: 372, when talking about Imam Sufyan Ats-Tsauri rahimahullah (born in 97 AH, and died in 161 H), "Sufyan Ats-Tsauri hide Abbasid Caliph of Al-Mahdi as the truth of a sentence which he said, and made ​​Al-Mahdi angry. Al-Mahdi seek to punish him. So, Sufyan Ats-Tsauri hiding in Mecca and not appear in front of audiences. At that time, he experienced poverty and hardship are very heavy. When he was in poor condition and difficult, his sister sent him a bag of Kuffah khusykananaj through his friend, Abu Shihab Al-Hannath.

hell for women

Reported by ibn abbas R.a:

Prophet S.A.W. said:

I saw the fires of hell and the dwellers in it most of the women who were ungrateful.


Companions asked:

Is it because they believe not in Allah ....?

Allah's Apostle replied:

O know they are grateful to their husbands and are ungrateful for the help and kindness which her ​​husband gave them to mereka.jika you do good to them, then they say ..

"I never received any good from you"

(taken from the book of sahih bukhari, book of faith, volume 1, book 2, Number 28)


Women like that are not acceptable in Islam.

women in Islam must respect her husband and being kind to him.

a woman who does not appreciate her then husband simply regarded as the only slave labor in demand to meet their needs and their children.

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Kewajiban Dalam Berkeluarga

Walaupun tdk sedikit kaum lelaki yg kecerdasannya kalah d bandingkan dengan wanita, tetapi secara kodrat lelaki lebih cakap memimpin wanita, karena dalam beberapa hal lelaki memiliki kelebihan,misal:


-lapang dada


sbagai mana firman Allah S.W.T


obligations in the family

Although morbidly little men who lost his wit d compared with women, but by nature he is more capable to lead the women, because in some ways men have advantages, eg:-Patient-Gracefully-WiseWhere the word of God sbagai S.W.T"THE MEN THAT IS THE LEADER FOR WOMEN, BECAUSE GOD Almighty has favored SOME HAVE THEM (male) over others (women) AND FOR THOSE (men) spend of PROPERTY HAS THEM. BECAUSE THEN THAT WOMEN Salih, it was he who obey GOD Almighty kepad MAINTENANCE OF SELF AGAIN when her husband DO NOT BECAUSE GOD HAS NO MAINTENANCE (them). WOMEN ARE NUSYUZNYA you fear, admonish them and be separate THEN THEM IN THEIR BEDS and beat them. THEN, IF THEY DO NOT THEN YOU WILL FIND MENTA'ATIMU-FIND WAY TO bothered. TRUE ALMIGHTY GOD Almighty High, the Great "(Q.S.An-Nisa: 34)In women, higher emotions.

Munzir habib answers about his nashab

Frankly I nasab this record I do not like to show it and show it off, because I do not deserve the title of Prophet descent, Yaa Allah .. how my baseness and very far from the proper descendants of Prophet.

but in order to fulfill your request turned Honor Guests at our website then I ventured to write:

Sin bin full of servants Munzir Fuad bin Abdurrahman bin Ali bin Abdurrahman bin Ali bin Ahmad bin Aqil bin Abdurrahman bin Umar bin Abdurrahman bin Ahmad bin Sulaiman bin Yaasin Almusawa bin Ahmad bin Muhammad bin Abubakar Muqallaf Assakran Assegaf bin Abdurrahman bin Mohammad bin Ali bin Alwi Mauladdawilah Alghayur bin Muhammad bin Ali bin Muqaddam Faqihil Muhammad bin Ali Khali shahib Marbath 'bin Qasim bin Muhammad bin Alwi Alwi Ubaidillah bin Isa bin Ahmad bin Almuhajir Arrumiy Annaqibm bin Muhammad bin Ali Al Uraidhiy Jakfar Asshadiq bin Muhammad bin Ali Zainal Abidin Albaqir bin Hussein of Fatima Azahra Prophet's daughter.

Thus my brother who kumuliakan, hopefully in happiness always, good luck with all his dreams goals,

And Allaah knows best

biography of Imam Shafi'i

Syafii priest whose real name was Muhammad ibn Idris (born and died 150 H 204 H) was the founder of the School Syafii Mazahab that many Islamic societies, followed by Asia and Indonesia hemisphere sendri. He is aligned with the other founders of the School and is a top Muslim scholars of all ages. His knowledge of Hadith and Islamic law is very special and ul Ulum his book is truly unique. For a long time the religious basis of government of Egypt is the conception and interpretation of results pemikirannya.Imam Syafii follows the lines adopted by Ibn Abbas a sahabi the Prophet Muhammad, leading commentators of his day was not immune from charges of apostasy from the fanatical clerics not agree with his logic.Imam Syafii also pay attention to the sciences of the Qur'an as advance notice dizaman Ibn Abbas the Prophet Muhammad. He also
devoted himself to literary sebagimana sya'ir and he also devoted his attention to fikh. Majlisnya attended by students who study the Koran, studying hadiths, studying fikh and who also studied poetry and the humanities. Because of ignorance and bigotry of the clergy who menetangnya, he also had to face charges of serious and humiliating. But he was always steadfast and firm in his stance and one incipun not shift from what he believed was right. With the ever-smiling face of his face all the trials and humiliation. Fortitude and determination in establishing recognized by friend and opponent both his contemporaries and the generations behind them. Narrated by a fanatic cleric who called it "even more dangerous than the devil". Shiite wing because he tends to put a tremendous tribute to Imam Hussein Syahida Ahlul-Bait and the Prophet Muhammad. And the allegations of a crime that he be remanded in prison dizaman Abbasid Dynasty. Diketika was mastered by the Governor of Yemen in an unjust and Syafii Imam who was also a state of honest officers who criticized the administration's dishonest. Therefore, the Governor made slander against Imam Syafii to Khalifah, saying that the followers of Shiite Imam Syafii. The governor also accused Imam Syafii conspiring with the rebels to overthrow the government. Abbasid caliphs are always very alert to the descendants of Ali as governor just received the complaint, the governor of Yemen's immediate response to this complaint. Ar-Rashid caliph ruling when it ordered the immediate arrest of Imam Syafii Governor following the Yemeni nine others and brought to Baghdad. Traveling from Yemen to Baghdad was very embarrassing, which resulted in great suffering for the respected Imam Syafii. With manipulated scholars who ride the stupid peoples along the road to Baghdad, he has become a spectacle and object of derision, harsh words and invective. As far along the road with the mob-led clerical scholars scoffed at his chosen servants of God and is quiet running while listening to the silence. (-I-tafkir Harba, p 23, 9 April 1933, quoted by Maulana Dost Muhammad Shahid) With the gift of God, nevertheless that does not let his choice be servants of Imam Syafii prey injustice regardless of the allegations referred to it. Muhammad Ibn Al Hassan who at that time a great judge in Baghdad lured him to help Imam Syafii and tried really to remove him from the charges they will be. So with the testimony of the Great Imam Hakim Syafii regardless of hukumam beheaded him dituntutkan neck. (Principles of Imam School Handbook, TM Hasbi Ash Siddiqie, volume II case 236)

women of the Fire

Muslim sisters
One thing is for sure that heaven and hell are two creatures that Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala has created. He created heaven as the abode of eternal hell for the Faithful and as a residence for the polytheists and doers of sin that Allaah has forbidden it.
Any Muslim who understands the state of heaven and hell would really hope to be able to become residents of Heaven and avoid a lot of hell, this is nature.
At the time of this study, we would talk about hell and its inhabitants, of which majority are

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Removing Viruses From Your Computer

One of the biggest threats that computer users are facing today is the probability of a virus invasion. It is possible that your own PC might have been infected with a virus that you have downloaded unknowingly from the internet, or copied from other removable storage Medias like floppies or compact discs. While some viruses are capable of doing extensive damage to your system, some may be completely harmless but simply annoying. Whatever the problem is, it's always best to try and remove these malicious applications (manually or using anti-virus software) before they can cause any harm, and without deleting sensitive and important files on your computer.

There is no one set of instructions you can follow to deal with a computer virus because all viruses are different.

Beauty Gift Certificates! Give The Gift That Will Make Your Recipient Blush With Excitement

Any woman out there loves to receive beauty gifts for their birthday or as a Christmas gift. Of course, there are those uncertain times where you end up getting the wrong shade of eye shadow, or a perfume that's too sweet for you, so giving a beauty gift certificate can be a great option when you're just not exactly sure what your recipients like!

With the convenience of purchasing gift certificates from major beauty websites online like Sephora, Benefit Cosmetics, and, you can now eliminate the fear of buying someone the wrong makeup accessories or

Biker Sunglasses - They're Not Goggles, Are They?

Biker sunglasses are actually ordinary sunglasses with special lenses and anyone can wear these sunglasses. They received that name due to their popularity among those who like to do a lot of biking and who want the best possible protection for their eyes. Biker sunglasses have polarized lenses that neutralize the glare from the street as the sun reflects off it, making it much easier for you to see.

If you notice the bikers in races such as the Tour de France, you will realize they are wearing sunglasses. These sun glasses have nylon frames that fit snug to the face and retain their original shape when you take them off. These biking sunglasses also have shatterproof frames because no matter what kind of biking you do – pedal biking or motorcycle riding- small bits of rock and debris can flick up from the wheels. When you add this to the protection from UV rays that you get from biker sunglasses, you are doubly protected.

All the leading designers of

Private Boarding Schools

Boarding school is a place where students are lodged, fed and educated. Private boarding schools are not associated with any government organization or body. Private boarding schools are in fact of the excellent sources to shape the future of the children.

It is very important for a child to experience life in a private boarding school. Private boarding schools run according to some strict rules set by the authorities of that school. Boarding schools have specific rooms and areas allotted for the different activities which are conducted within the school.

Private boarding schools functions strictly according to a set of rules and regulations made especially for the school. Most private boarding schools have a

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Who invented the vacuum cleaner?

Like a lot of inventions over the years the invention of the vacuum cleaner is also surrounded with great debate as to who came up with the first vacuum cleaner. We have to go as far back as the 1800's to try and understand what people had in their homes and how they went about cleaning.

Firstly we can trace one of the earliest and better known devices back to 1860 when David Hess came up with a way to solve a problem which housewives were having at the time. In those days people used rugs on the bare wooden floors to try and keep the dust down to a minimum. Of course all the dust remained on the rug and the only way off was to hang the rug and whack it with a stick. Shortly after came the rug-beater, which resembled a tennis racket.

However, it was only David Hess who thought there must be an easier way to do the rug cleaning and he came up with a Carpet Sweeper which had a

One Way to Find Internet Typing Jobs

If you are a typist with time on your hands, and if you are eager to bring yourself some added cash, then you might want to find internet typing jobs. What are internet typing jobs? These are typing jobs that are posted on the internet.
One way to find a list of the websites that carry such jobs is to go to If you do that, then you might soon find yourself visiting the website That particular website indicates that there is a real demand for typists who will take on the various internet typing jobs. The following paragraphs provide details on some of those jobs.

If you have ever been stopped by someone in the mall, or if you have been asked to take a telephone survey, then you are familiar with one important internet typing job. You are also familiar with the basic method for market research. Companies depend on market research to learn what the consumer wants. The volume of information obtained from such research needs to be typed into a report. Some internet writing jobs call for a typist who knows how to type up such reports.

Once companies determine what interests their customers, then they want to communicate with their customers. Many companies do that by using newsletters sent to each customer's e-mail address. The companies seldom ask a company secretary to type up such newsletters. They tend to enter their request for a newsletter typist among the many posted internet writing jobs
The list of internet typing jobs goes on and on. Some companies need a typist to help with the printing of ads. Some companies desire typists who will supply them with well-typed welcome e-mails. These are sent to

Make the Myspace page interactive for all visitors

Myspace page is meant for people of all ages. Unless, the page is made to look attractive, people seeking friends for networking and social life may not visit the page. Eventually, the aim of having the page for social networking will be defeated. The best thing to do with a myspace page is to have an attractive background of varied colors and schemes. However, make sure the color scheme and the combination goes well with the person's age. There are no specific colors for each age group. But make sure the color combinations are in accordance with those generally accepted. For instance, the color meant for youngsters come in trendy colors that may attract the attention of the youngsters. Therefore, while pasting the images on the background, make sure that the colors are trendy and

Some Things You Should Know About Massage

Most Americans know that massage therapy can help relieve stress and pain, reduce blood pressure and boost the immune system. And, more people than ever are trying massage for the first time.
Perhaps you received a gift certificate for massage. Maybe work's been stressful, and you've thought about getting a massage to unwind. Or maybe you're already a fan of massage and want to try a different type of massage.

Whatever your reasons, there are some basic things you should know to get the most from your massage.

There are many terms for types of massage. The American Massage Therapy Association? (AMTA) designates the various methods as massage modalities.


With all of the abbreviations flying around the stores and commercials, it is very easy to become confused as to what it is you need to buy.

HDTV is one of these offenders! HDTV stands for High Definition Television and means the broadcast of television signals with a higher resolution than traditional formats (NTSC, SECAM, PAL) allow.

Generally HDTV is broadcast digitally, i.e. together with cable, satellite, or a digital receiver. You cannot view HDTV with an analogue aerial.

There are three things you need to be able to view HDTV and these are firstly a source, such as a local, cable or satellite HDTV station. Secondly,

Saving With Coupons: Brand Loyalty Can Pay Off

There are a lot of discount stores these days, and more and more store chains are making their own brands of products that are often less expensive than traditional brand names. If your family prefers name brand items though, your favorite brands may be willing to help you out with coupons, free samples, or other special offers to keep you coming back. Here are some popular brand name items and ways you can save with them.

Luvs (diapers and wipes) frequently has coupons in Sunday paper circulars. In addition, if you go to their website at, you can register to receive emails about special offers and occasional free samples. They also have a monthly sweepstakes to win a month's supply of free diapers. If you have twins (or more),

Using search engine gateway smarter to find your information

Today, I want to share with you how I use search engine gateway to find information. For those of you who know the term "search engine gateway" for the first time, I strongly recommend you to read the article "What is search engine gateway?" I wrote before and go to Navino's website to see how it works.

Put it in simple, by adding a short search name, which represents one website, before the search keywords, I can search hundreds of search engines with just one search box. Search engine gateway gets the search name information and forwards me to the pre-defined search engine. For example, Navino defines "b" as Google's blog search engine. So if I want to search something on "Linux", I just use "b Linux" in my search box and the search gateway would forward me to Google's blog search engine with the keyword "Linux".

Navino has already defined some search names for most popular search engines. These search engines are assigned with one-letter search names for easy use. Some of them are Google,

Hypnotherapy For Negativity

Sometimes it may seem that you just live to go from one worry to the next. Does this sound familiar?

If it is, then you are about to discover a way of getting your life back and creating the future of your dreams!

So what is negativity and how is Hypnosis going to help you?

Imagine that you are wearing a pair of blue tinted sunglasses, everything that you see has a blue tint. Now imagine wearing a pear of rubber gloves and everything that you touch will feel 'rubbery'. Now imagine burning incense and noticing everything smells nice.

Notice how the glasses, the gloves and the incense change all of your perceptions! For instance, without these, things seem 'how they should be' - completely natural, however with them everything seems unnatural.

Now that was a metaphor to explain a point, but what has it to do with Negativity?

Have You Seen These Important Safety Tips For Online Shopping?

Shopping is an activity that is necessary in our lives. Many people spend a small percentage of their day doing some type of shopping, be it for food or some other essential items. Online shopping is when a consumer purchases products or services through the Internet. Approximately 68% of online Americans say they think internet shopping saves them time.

We've all heard how great shopping on the Internet can be, and that you can get things far cheaper, as the shops don't have to pay expensive overheads. At the same time, most internet users express discomfort over a key step in online shopping – sending personal or credit card information over the internet. The good news is that consumers are now taking proactive steps to protect themselves to ensure safe online shopping.

Car Hire Adds More To Alicante As A Holiday Destination

Alicante is perhaps best known for its airport and tens of thousands of holiday makers from across Europe will be travelling through the terminus on their way to established resorts such as Benidorm. Most visitors to this region of Spain will visit Alicante twice – on arrival and on departure. The region itself has a preconception of sand and sea but looking beyond the obvious and exploring further can reveal some hidden treasures for the more inquisitive traveller.

In short, Alicante is a good base for a more subtle holiday in the Costa Blanca. The attractions of the beaches and coast are a given in this area of Spain, but Alicante avoids the trappings of bright lights and nightlife so personified by its' neighbours. Alicante is an upmarket town built around a modernised marina and provides a pleasant base to move around the wider Costa Blanca region – an area that has much appeal for the more discerning traveller.

Sprain or Strain

It was the crucial last 3 seconds of the game. The player holding the ball was likely to dunk anything that crosses his path through the hoop. As he rampaged forward to make that much needed lay-up, a bigger player blocked him in mid-air and sent the ball flying in a different direction while both players landed on each other, the bigger guy's heavy weight crushing the other player's right leg.

A young guy went to the gym for the first time. He started working out on the bench press and did some arm curls and crunches and bent-over rowing without consulting his trainer or instructor. Later on, he felt sore in most part of his body especially his biceps, chest, and back.

In the first scenario, the player with the crushed right leg may suffer from leg sprain such as ankle or knee sprain. Ankle sprain is the most common basketball injury which often occurs when a player lands on another player's foot or the ankle rolls too far outward

Making Amazing Brochures

Most people have probably come in possession of a brochure one way or another in their life - whether it is because of a product or service availed of or whether because of attending a tradeshow or product launching. Brochures are a good way to introduce new products or announce of new innovations concerning an existing product or service. These promotional materials have been used by many businesses for ages and have always been proven to be effective in attracting customers.

There are several ways with which you can make you brochures look amazing and captivating. You have to understand though that although your target is to create a catchy brochure they still have to be informative as possible. Before printing your brochure you have decide what to include in it. Carefully plan and design the brochure and make sure that it includes all the important information that needs to be communicated to the customers. Decide also if you will print the brochures yourself or you will hire a professional printing company to do the printing for you.

Fear of Flying

The plane was bouncing hard as we were starting our decent into Albuquerque. Living in Santa Fe, I've flown in and out of Albuquerque airport a lot due to my workshop schedule. It's always bumpy.

The woman sitting next to me was gripping the armrests and shaking, scared to death. I turned to her and asked her if she would like some help. She nodded.

"Don't worry, nothing bad is going to happen. We are safe."

"How do you know that?" she asked.

"If you were to move out of what your mind is telling you that is scaring you and open to a different Source of Truth, you would know too. Your mind, which is devoted to trying to control things, is freaking out due to feeling so out of control. It's this feeling of being out of control that is scaring you. And, of course, you have no control over the plane or over the pilot. But if you tune into the real Source of Truth, which is definitely not your mind,

10 Alternate Energy Sources To Live Well With Global Warming.

Feeling hot under the collar?

Glaciers and polar ice are melting, ocean levels are rising, hot, dry weather, huge forest fires, water restrictions, crop failures...

You name it, if these don't feature in your life yet, they soon will. Global warming and climate change are facts of life now, according to the International Panel on Climate Change, and many scientists.

Huge problems beyond our control!

But are you hot under the collar?

If you're not, you probably live in a city where half of the Earth's citizens live now and take much for granted. Because in city living we are far removed from natural processes that deliver our food, clothing and energy.

Silk - History And Facts

Silk may be just another fabric to most of us. But the truth is, silk is a very unique fabric that has many activists up in arms. We're going to take a look at a brief history and some facts about silk in order to give you a little education on the subject.

The actual discovery of silk, from the silkworm species Bombyx mori happened around 2700 BC. Yes, silk has been around a long time. According to Chinese tradition, and you have to take this with a grain of salt, it was a 14 year old girl by the name of Hsi Ling Shi who discovered the invention of the first silk reel. Silk became a very valuable commodity and was sought after by many other countries. But it wasn't until 139 BC that the world's longest trade route was opened from China to The Mediterranean Sea. This route was named the Silk Road for obvious reasons. By 300 AD the production of silk had also reached India and Japan.

menghasilkan uang dari youtube

Anda dibayar untuk melihat YouTube Videos. Prosesnya mudah! Anda cukup klik video dan melihat untuk mendapatkan uang. Anda bisa dapatkan penghasilan lebih dengan mengajak teman-teman. Anda akan dibayar $ 0,005 untuk setiap video yang Anda secara pribadi melihat, $ 0,10 untuk setiap komentar Anda  dan $ 0,15 untuk setiap berlangganan yang Anda buat. Anda juga akan dibayar $ 0.001 untuk setiap tampilan video referal Anda, $ 0.01 untuk setiap komentar arahan Anda dan $ 0,05 untuk setiap berlangganan referal Anda buat. Permintaan Pembayaran dapat dilakukan setiap hari dan diproses melalui PayPal. Minimum payout adalah $ 10.00.

klik disini blek 

Memory Foam Matresses Under Oath...The Truth and Nothing but The Truth

Are you thinking about buying a memory foam mattress?

Are you confused about all the hype and confusing claims made by the different advertisements for memory foam?

I've set out to clear the air, remove the "smoke and mirrors", and put into one article all the true information you'll need to make a selection that will thrill you, give you years of value and make poor sleep a thing of the past.

The term "memory foam" or "visco-elastic memory foam" was coined in the early days of NASA's space program. That's why it's also known as NASA foam.

Seven secrets to buying the right air-brush compressor

If you're looking for an air-brush compressor, there are a few things you have to consider. The first big question is to ask whether this is for home or professional use. Home use doesn't require the same dependability or rugged construction (and comes with a lower price tag) while commercial use requires better quality, these compressors will last longer under heavy-duty usage but come with higher costs.

Both home and commercial applications however require the same amount of airflow. Understand that the brush attachment doesn't know if it's a home job or a commercial job - all it understands is if it's getting the right airflow going through the nozzle. Note that your gun should tell you what airflow it requires to operate at the best capacity, and if in doubt, ask at the outlets that sold you the air brush.

How to build a PC

Do you know what could beat the exciting feeling of having a new computer? Make your own PC!

Making your own computer from scratch is not only fun to do but cheaper as well. You can get to choose the parts you want to use on your PC. This gives you the control in balancing the price and the quality of your newly assembled PC.

Before we show you the steps, here are the necessary parts of the computer that you need to buy:

• Processor Cooler
• Motherboard memory
• Graphics Card
• Hard Drive
• CD or DVD Writer
• Floppy Drive
• Sound Card
• Computer Case
• Power Supply
• Monitor
• Keyboard
• Mouse

Steps in making your own PC:

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Copy paste dapat uang



Apakah saat ini anda sedang mengikuti bisnis investasi, MLM,
reseller, yang bonusnya puluhan juta, ratusan juta, atau bahkan
milyaran rupiah namun hasilnya belum tentu pasti anda dapatkan dan 
perlu membutuhkan waktu berbulan-bulan bahkan tahunan untuk
mengembangkan jaringan agar mendapatkan bonus?


 itu sangat memberatkan anda dan semua itu hanya menguntungkan
admin dan leadernya saja!

Silakan Baca Sampai Selesai

Yang Ingin Cari Penghasilan tambahan di Internet. Silakan baca sampai

Bukan Bisnis On-line, Bukan Bisnis Investasi On-line, Bukan
MLM, Bukan Kerja ngetik Captcha, Bukan Kerja Entri Data, Bukan Kerja
Entri Iklan, Bukan Jual beli prodak On-Line (E-book, Script, Hosting,
Domain) Bukan Smart Mesin Sistem, Bukan Sistem Mesin Uang Otomatis,
Bukan PTC, PTR atau sejenisnya.

100% buat pemula dan gaptek, Tidak Ribet, Tidak Susah, Transparan, Asal
Bisa Copy sama Paste, ya itu saja semua sudah disiapkan tinggal Copy
dan Paste

** “Ya” ini dia “KERJA COPY PASTE ONLINE ” **

KERJA COPY PASTE ONLINE, adalah pekerjaan yang bisa dilakukan di mana saja, bisa di dalam maupun di luar negri, cara kerjanya bisa lewat warnet, computer sekolah, nebeng computer orang, di rumah atau di kantor, Laptop, Hp, BB, atau Smart Phone, yang penting terkoneksi dengan internet.

Siapa saja yang bisa bekerja di Copy Paste Online:
Anak sekolah, Ibu rumah Tangga, Pekerja kantoran, Buruh Pabrik, Pria,
Wanita, semua Orang Bisa, Asalkan bisa copy dan paste,,,,,!!!!!!!
Dalam kerja Copy Paste semuanya sudah disediakan, bahan untuk dicopy
dan tempat untuk paste, jadi ga usah bingung lagi. Bukan bisnis online
karena tidak ada donwline, up-line, member, dsb. Bukan jual beli
prodak online karena tidak ada prodak online, tidak ada e-book, dsb.
Bukan MLM, bukan kerja entri data dan full sistem seperti
(uangreceh com, Penasaran net,, gogonai com, dll).Tidak
ada member area.

Dalam kerja copy paste online semuanya sudah disediakan anda tinggal
copy dan paste itu saja yang harus dikerjakan, semua sudah tersedia
bahan-bahan copy dan tempat untuk paste, harga setiap paste
berbeda-beda antara Rp 10.000,- sampai dengan Rp 100.000,- itu
tergantung dari hasil paste anda dan setiap paste yang sukses akan
langsung dibayar kepada anda langsung ke rekening anda tanpa
potongan, tanpa minimal pembayaran, jadi setelah anda aktif segera isi 
kolom rekening yang disedikan untuk rekening anda.

Siapa yang akan bayar anda, mereka yang menerima hasil paste anda,
semakin baik semakin besar nilai paste anda. Kenapa mereka mau
bayar??? karena mereka membutuhkan paste anda, karena jika mereka
membeli di pasar asli maka harganya jauh lebih mahal, nah dalam kerja
copy paste semua sudah di sediakan dari bahan-bahan copy sampai dengan
tempat-tempat pastenya dan si penerima paste, anda bisa disebut
sebagai kurir atau perantara atau bisa disebut juga agen.

Perincian sederhana bagi pemula :
Anggap anda menyelesaikan 20 copy dan anda pastekan di tempatnya yang
sudah di tentukan namun yang sukses dan di terima si penerima paste
hanya 15 yang 5 gagal, kenapa? mungkin bisa saja karena koneksi
internet, mungkin tidak sesuai tempatnya, mungkin salah tempat, dsb.
Anggap saja semuanya di ambil rata Rp 50.000,-

Untuk pemula, jadi perhitungannya :

*Satu hari sukses 15 x 50.000,- = Rp 750.000,-
*Satu minggu Rp 750.000,- x 7 Hari = Rp 5.250.000,-
*Satu bulan Rp 5.250.000,- x 4 Minggu = Rp 21.000.000,-

Ini sudah kita buat seminimal mungkin padahal jumlah bahan-bahan
copynya tidak terbatas.

Jika anda berminat silakan daftar


Dengan Subjek : "JOB COPAS"
( Data Anda dijamin Aman dan terjaga kerahasiaannya )

Kirim ke :

Mohon diisi dengan data yang sesungguhnya.
Kami hanya menerima e-mail dari yahoo dan google.
dan selanjutnya buka balasan di email anda.
Setelah Itu Lakukan Aktivasi Dengan Membayar

Rp. 50.000,-

YA! CUKUP Rp. 50.000,- SAJA!
(harga ekonomis)

Anda Akan Mendapatkan BAHAN KERJA COPY PASTE Beserta BONUS-BONUS Di bawah.

1. Cara curang dapat uang dari ziddu.
2. Cara mengambil uang dari ATM tanpa mengurangi saldo anda..!!!
3. Jadi ahli di dunia internet tanpa ribet.
4. Rahasia sukses promosi di internet.
5. Bagaimana mewujudkan apapun yang anda inginkan dalam hidup..
6. Cara Praktis Membuat Blog Dalam 3 Menit.
7. Rahasia Mendapatkan software apapun secara gratis.
8. Memulai Bisnis Online Tanpa Modal.
9. Rahasia search engine.
10. Kerja kaya online internet sukses.


Kenapa harus BAYAR..??? 

ya, itu sebagai SYARAT AKTIVASI

dan penyampaian BAHAN COPY PASTE


LIHAT testimoninya



Cuma modal Rp 50.000 bisa dapat penghasilan yang okey..Emang
awalnya di batasi namun sekarang setiap hari minimal 70rb aku dapat minimal pokonya top markotop deh 
hidup Copas


Tadinya cuma iseng,,,,,eeee,,,,, 
sekarang malah ketagian,,,,,,ya gmn ya emang mudah bangetsemua udah di siapkan tinggal di Copas aja,,,mau gmn? lagi tiap hariaku bisa dapat uang ga keduga punya uang sendiri lebih mantap dan enak
pokonya yang belum gabung kamu bakal keteinggalan deh ,,,cepetan
gabung cuma 50rb eee kecil ah,,minimal setiap hari dapat 70 rb aku
udah 2minggu pernah sehari dapat 300rb pas hari minggu,,,em jadi
males sekolah ni,


Bosen sama bisnis online yang habis buat pasang iklan lagi yang ini luar
biasa ga ngecewakan cuma modal gocap alias 50rb walah hasilnya tiap
hari lumayan walau si pertamanya di batasi tapi wal hasil emang okey
...lama2 terus naik dari 50rb sekarang udah 120rb tiap hari dan akan
terus naik pasti seiring makin banyak Copas...Aku hanya bisa pesan
yang masih suka dengan bisnis online yang ga karuan terusin aja
lanjutin sampai kecewa abis he he he,,,,atau segera lupakan BO...dan
segera akitifasi di sini,,,segera Copas,,,, mania,...he he he he 
hidup Copas,,,


Kerja paling okey cuma copas doang namun hasilnya super...ya mau gmn
semua sudah disiapkan tinggal di copas aja,...tinggal klik kiri udah
tinggal tunggu ga nyampai 5 menit e udah dapat konfirmasi udah ada
uang 100rb di rekening kita kadang ada yg sampai 150rb ha ha ha enak
sekali ya,,,,awalnya emang dibatasi tapi makin lama makin
enak,,,,,makin banyak,dak ada batasnya makin rajin makin okey tapi
buat yang baru harus sabar ya kalau cuma 5 sampai 10 dong tiap hari
ntar juga lama2 nambah kok,....sabar patuhi aja ikuti peraturan copas
yang baik pasti okey kedepannya,...ayo gabung yang belum gabung!

Tadinya iseng tapi jadi ketagian itu kata yang aku rasakan cuma modal
50 rb hasilnya luar biasa tiap hari lagi yang blm gabung segera
gabung,,,itu aja deh segera gabung cuma 50rb aja, segera gabung ya...

Aku cuma anak kecil tapi aku mau bilang sama temen-temen dari pada fb,
chat yang hanya buang uang lebih baik ikutan deh hasilnya okey ,,,malah kita
bisa dapat uang,,cuma 30 menit aja pasti udah dapat uang lumayan 50rb
juga sehari buat kita,.....


Ini baru kerja santai namun hasil memuaskan tapi kenapa ya buat yangbaru ada batasan tapi aku ga lhoh langsung okey hari pertama ,,,aah
mungkin milik aku kali ya,,okey pokonya kerja Copas emang okey
minimal 270rb pasti akau dapatkan ,,,buat pengangguran kaya aku kaya nemu
durian jatuh,....


Ini dia kerja yang aku cari mungkin ini kata2 yang pantas ya kerja ini okey punya
benar mudah semua sudah disediakan tinggal di copas aja,...tunggu
hasil udah di depan mata ,,,,kenapa ga dari dulu aja,,, ya,,,,buat
teman2 buruan deh gabung,... ah cuma 50rb kecil,...


Makasi ya buat mas yana yang udah kasi tau kasi progam ini luar biasa massekarang aku dah punya penghasilan tetep dari kerja copas mbak dika 
pasti udah gede ya,.. ini copas luar biasa ya,...sekarang aku udah
tidak dibatasi lagi bebas dapat berapun terserah aku,.. he he he
makasi ya mbak,...

Sekian dari kami.
Terima kasih sudah berkunjung.
Kami tidak memaksa siapapun, yang merasa butuh silakan, yang tidak
terima kasih dan tidak jadi masalah buat kami.
Silakan lupakan semuanya dan anggap saja anda tidak pernah melihat
peluang emas ini.

Jika anda berminat silakan daftar


Dengan Subjek : "JOB COPAS"
( Data Anda dijamin Aman dan terjaga kerahasiaannya )

Kirim ke :

Mohon diisi dengan data yang sesungguhnya.
Kami hanya menerima e-mail dari yahoo dan google
dan selanjutnya buka balasan di email anda.


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