One picture that can be used as a lesson is what is told by the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam about two people in the ancient Israelites. The story is narrated by Al-Bukhari in his Saheeh mu'allaq and Al-Imam Ahmad in his Musnad from the hadith of Abu Hurairah, from the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam,أنه ذكر رجلا من بني إسرائيل سأل بعض بني إسرائيل أن يسلفه ألف دينار, فقال: ائتني بالشهداء أشهدهم. فقال: كفى بالله شهيدا. قال: فأتني بالكفيل. قال: كفى بالله كفيلا. قال: صدقت. فدفعها إليه إلى أجل مسمى فخرج في البحر فقضى حاجته ثم التمس مركبا يركبها يقدم عليه للأجل الذي أجله فلم يجد مركبا, فأخذ خشبة فنقرها فأدخل فيها ألف دينار وصحيفة منه إلى صاحبه ثم زجج موضعها ثم أتى بها إلى البحر, فقال: اللهم إنك تعلم أني كنت تسلفت فلانا ألف دينار فسألني كفيلا فقلت كفى بالله كفيلا, فرضي بك وسألني شهيدا فقلت كفى بالله شهيدا فرضي بك, وأني جهدت أن أجد مركبا أبعث إليه الذي له فلم أقدر وإني أستودعكها. فرمى بها في البحر حتى ولجت فيه ثم انصرف وهو في ذلك يلتمس مركبا يخرج إلى بلده. فخرج الرجل الذي كان أسلفه ينظر لعل مركبا قد جاء بماله فإذا بالخشبة التي فيها المال فأخذها لأهله حطبا, فلما نشرها وجد المال والصحيفة ثم قدم الذي كان أسلفه, فأتى بالألف دينار فقال: والله, ما زلت جاهدا في طلب مركب لآتيك بمالك فما وجدت مركبا قبل الذي أتيت فيه. قال: هل كنت بعثت إلي بشيء? قال: أخبرك أني لم أجد مركبا قبل الذي جئت فيه. قال: فإن الله قد أدى عنك الذي بعثت في الخشبة فانصرف بالألف الدينار راشداHe (sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam) mentioned a man who asked for the Children of Israel to someone other than the Children of Israel in order to lend him a thousand dinars. Then said the owner of the money, "bring me witness, that I testified to them."The man who borrowed it said, "Allah is sufficient as a witness."The owner of the money said, "Give me a guarantee."
People who borrow said, "Allah is sufficient as a Guarantor."The owner of the money was said, "You are right." Then he handed the money until a specified time.Then, the borrower is sailing and his business. After that he was looking for transportation that will take him to his friends as time allowed. However, he did not get it. Finally he took a stick and then drilling holes and inserting into it a thousand dinars was accompanied by a letter to his friend. Then he fixed the hole fraction, and brought it into the sea timber. He too prayed, "O Allah. Surely you know that I've borrowed from So and so a thousand dinars, and he asked for a guarantee, then I say, 'Allah is sufficient as a Guarantor' and he was pleased thee as a Guarantor. He too asked for a witness unto me, then I say: 'Allah is sufficient as a witness', and he was pleased with. Actually I have tried earnestly to find the right vehicle is handed to him, but I'm not authorized. And I just leave the money to you. "The men cast it up into the sea. Then he came home in a state still looking to land a vehicle for his friend.While the people who lend the money out waiting, perhaps there is a vehicle that carries his property. Turns out he just found a piece of wood in which there is a treasure. He too took the wood for firewood family. After he was sawing wood, he acquired the property and a letter.Then, there came the first dipinjaminya money. The man arrived with a thousand dinars. He said, "By Allah, I am always trying to find a vehicle to meet with you to bring this treasure. But I did not get one before I came kendaraanpun this. "The owner of the money saying, "Do you ever send me anything?"Said the borrower was, "I explained to you, that I did not find this vehicle before I came."Owner of the money man said again, "Verily, Allah has fulfilled your debt, (a) property that you send in a log. Please come back with one thousand dinars it safely. "Consider the words of the borrower. With full confidence he said, "Allah is sufficient as a witness." It's as if he wanted to remind his brother, is not no one is hidden from Allah? He knows best of all things visible and hidden. Is Witness to all things. He was watching the situation and actions.Then, see what they say the owner of the money? Sangsikah him?No. He also firmly accept. As if he wanted to declare, that he accept God as a witness, but, "Give me a guarantee", which will ensure this treasure, if you did not come to pay it off.Men whose hearts are filled with God's ta'zhim with full confidence again said, "Allah is sufficient as a Guarantor", as if he wanted to remind his brother: not enough for you Lord God Almighty, the Master of heaven and earth as a Guarantor for me?Property owner whose heart also contains ta'zhim to Allaah is spontaneously accepted. Then he too gave his brother a thousand dinars desired until the agreed time.After that, the man who went to borrow it sail, meet their needs. When it came time appointed, he too look for the ship to meet his brother, in order to fulfill its promise. For a long time looking for, he never get the ship that brought him to the land of his brother.The time draws near, transport ships he has not got. Disconnect asakah him, then asked for aging? Apparently not, he still tried.Sincerity to fulfill the mandate, seen by God. So Allah Ta'ala sent him a piece of wood that drifted with the waves. Seeing the wood, he immediately picked it up and make a breach. Then his brother owned a thousand dinars, he put in the timber is accompanied by a letter, then he is correct.Then, he kneeled, whispering in the presence of his Lord the All-Knowing, All-Hearing, "Ya Allah. Surely you know that I've borrowed from So and so a thousand dinars, and he asked for a guarantor, then I say, 'Allah is sufficient as a Guarantor' and he was pleased thee as a Guarantor. He too asked for a witness unto me, then I say, 'Allah is sufficient as a witness', and he was pleased with. Actually I have tried earnestly to find the ship gave him this right, but I'm not authorized. And I just leave the money to you. "Once completed, the wood was tossed back into the sea. Kayupun drift along the wave.Consider the prayer and what it does. How thick the confidence and trust in Allah Ta'ala. One of the fruits of a perfect unity.Then, if he sit on my hands, had had enough with that action? Yet. He's still trying to find the ship. Want to go alone to meet his brother in order to repay the loan.Why did he do that? No other, for fear that he stained the glory of God that he had made as a witness and the Guarantor.While his friend, who lent, awaiting his arrival. On the beach he saw the open sea, hopefully there are ships coming into the area. Hopefully emerge. Apparently none of the docked ship. But he's not prejudice to his brother. They have agreed to be witnesses of God and the Guarantor.When he got closer to the beach, he saw a piece of drift wood to the edge where she stood. He too picked up the timber and take it home to be firewood for his family.When I got home, he cut the wood. It turned out that in it he saw the one thousand dinars and a letter. Presumably the money that's been waiting for, and the letter is a substitute for his brother that never comes.Before long, his brother came to borrow money a thousand dinars, thousand dinars brought in a state other instead, worried that the money has not reached the hands of his brother. When he intends to hand over a thousand dinars, the brother who lent the treasure is asked, "Did you ever send me anything?" The man who borrowed it said, "I explained to you, that I did not find this vehicle before I came."Said the owner of the property, "Allah has fulfilled your debt, (a) property that you send in a log. Please come back, with one thousand dinars it safely. "An incredible story. Why not. At a time when most people forget to trust that he endured, to abandon the compulsory ditunaikannya right, this story is a lesson as well as a warning for people who want to improve themselves.What a rarity in our day this mandate.I wish to say to ourselves or others, "Do it like this", as an effort to show seriousness in fulfilling the mandate, we will probably argue the same: "What do you think I'm crazy, putting money in a wooden hole, then swept away to sea? Moreover, a thousand dinars? "[The count rate is now probably hundreds of millions of dollars. And Allaah knows best.]Why?Because of lack of faith in our hearts, as well as faith in our souls, so that reliance to the matter and the things that are real (real, caught five senses) is dominant in us rather than to things that are unseen. When in fact, belief in the supernatural is a strict limit and distinguishing between the faith of a Muslim by faith an infidel.Among faidah this hadith:A. Tauhidullah science, in which both men are equally aware Tauhidullah thus encouraging both rose to the highest degree in the Science of Tawheed, the Exalted ma'rifatullah (recognition of Allah) by His name and nature. The borrower said, "Allah is sufficient as a witness ... enough is Allah as a Guarantor."2. The man who said, "Allah is sufficient as a witness ... enough is Allah as a Guarantor." Is a righteous man. That means he was a very sincere to Allah, to follow the teachings of His Prophet obey Allah Ta'ala. Similarly, the owner of the property, he was pleased with the reward and the reward of Allah, are satisfied with the testimony of God and His assurance.3. Khasy-well (fear) of Allah Ta'ala and the perfect ma'rifat Allah Ta'ala encourages the righteous man who borrowed this property thinking the way, how do I treasure it up in the hands of his brother because of promises that have been agreed.4. His satisfaction with tawakal to Allaah, while it is hard to find on most men today because of the weakness of their faith and jahilnya about the name and nature of God Almighty.5. God cares for the stick, because the righteous man is doing a good deed with the words of the Prophet, "Take care of Allah, He would take care of you."6. However, the righteous man is still running because with the other thousand dinars for her friend.7. In accounts payable and borrowing, including witnesses and security matters prescribed.8. Obligatory to pay off the loan, keep their promises and do not procrastinate (if capable).Hopefully this short story, a mirror and example for people who want life to be happy.
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