
Friday, May 18, 2012

biography of Imam Shafi'i

Syafii priest whose real name was Muhammad ibn Idris (born and died 150 H 204 H) was the founder of the School Syafii Mazahab that many Islamic societies, followed by Asia and Indonesia hemisphere sendri. He is aligned with the other founders of the School and is a top Muslim scholars of all ages. His knowledge of Hadith and Islamic law is very special and ul Ulum his book is truly unique. For a long time the religious basis of government of Egypt is the conception and interpretation of results pemikirannya.Imam Syafii follows the lines adopted by Ibn Abbas a sahabi the Prophet Muhammad, leading commentators of his day was not immune from charges of apostasy from the fanatical clerics not agree with his logic.Imam Syafii also pay attention to the sciences of the Qur'an as advance notice dizaman Ibn Abbas the Prophet Muhammad. He also
devoted himself to literary sebagimana sya'ir and he also devoted his attention to fikh. Majlisnya attended by students who study the Koran, studying hadiths, studying fikh and who also studied poetry and the humanities. Because of ignorance and bigotry of the clergy who menetangnya, he also had to face charges of serious and humiliating. But he was always steadfast and firm in his stance and one incipun not shift from what he believed was right. With the ever-smiling face of his face all the trials and humiliation. Fortitude and determination in establishing recognized by friend and opponent both his contemporaries and the generations behind them. Narrated by a fanatic cleric who called it "even more dangerous than the devil". Shiite wing because he tends to put a tremendous tribute to Imam Hussein Syahida Ahlul-Bait and the Prophet Muhammad. And the allegations of a crime that he be remanded in prison dizaman Abbasid Dynasty. Diketika was mastered by the Governor of Yemen in an unjust and Syafii Imam who was also a state of honest officers who criticized the administration's dishonest. Therefore, the Governor made slander against Imam Syafii to Khalifah, saying that the followers of Shiite Imam Syafii. The governor also accused Imam Syafii conspiring with the rebels to overthrow the government. Abbasid caliphs are always very alert to the descendants of Ali as governor just received the complaint, the governor of Yemen's immediate response to this complaint. Ar-Rashid caliph ruling when it ordered the immediate arrest of Imam Syafii Governor following the Yemeni nine others and brought to Baghdad. Traveling from Yemen to Baghdad was very embarrassing, which resulted in great suffering for the respected Imam Syafii. With manipulated scholars who ride the stupid peoples along the road to Baghdad, he has become a spectacle and object of derision, harsh words and invective. As far along the road with the mob-led clerical scholars scoffed at his chosen servants of God and is quiet running while listening to the silence. (-I-tafkir Harba, p 23, 9 April 1933, quoted by Maulana Dost Muhammad Shahid) With the gift of God, nevertheless that does not let his choice be servants of Imam Syafii prey injustice regardless of the allegations referred to it. Muhammad Ibn Al Hassan who at that time a great judge in Baghdad lured him to help Imam Syafii and tried really to remove him from the charges they will be. So with the testimony of the Great Imam Hakim Syafii regardless of hukumam beheaded him dituntutkan neck. (Principles of Imam School Handbook, TM Hasbi Ash Siddiqie, volume II case 236)

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