Muslim sisters
One thing is for sure that heaven and hell are two creatures that Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala has created. He created heaven as the abode of eternal hell for the Faithful and as a residence for the polytheists and doers of sin that Allaah has forbidden it.
Any Muslim who understands the state of heaven and hell would really hope to be able to become residents of Heaven and avoid a lot of hell, this is nature.
At the time of this study, we would talk about hell and its inhabitants, of which majority are
women due to causes which will be discussed later.
Before we get to know the women of the Fire would be nice if we turned to the warnings of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala in the Qur'an about Hell and Allaah is available in it, and orders to keep away from it.
Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala says:
"O ye who believe guard yourselves and your families from hell that fuel is men and stones, guardian angels are rough, tough, who do not disobey Allah in what he commanded them and always do what is ordered . "(At Tahrim: 6)
Rahimahullah Imam Tabari said in the commentary: "Teach your family to practice obedience to keep them from hell."
Ibn Abbas radliyallahu 'anhu also commented on this verse: "Beramallah you with obedience to God, you fear to engage in immoral and ordered him to your family for dhikr, Allah will save you from hell." And there are many interpretations of the Companions and other scholars who encourages us to keep ourselves and family from hell by doing good deeds and stay away from sinful deeds to Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala.
Other letters of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala says: "Keep yourselves from hell that fuel is men and stones prepared for those who disbelieve." (Al Baqarah: 24)
So it is with other verses that also describes the state of hell, and orders to keep away from it.
Enormity and horror of hell also expressed Prophet Allaah in the saheeh hadeeth of Abu Hurayrah radliyallahu 'anhu that he said: "The fire you lit by the son of Adam is only one part of the 70 parts of Hell." (Saheeh al-Jami' 6618)
If the fire can scorch the world's only our bodies, how the hell are 69 times more heat than the heat of the world? May Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala save us from hell. Amin.
Female inhabitants of Hell
On this, the Messenger of Allaah said: "I looked into Paradise and I saw most of the inhabitants are fuqara (poor people) and I looked into hell and I watched most of the inhabitants are women." (Narrated by Bukhari and Muslim from Ibn Abbas and Imran and the addition of both)
This Hadith tells us what is seen by the Messenger of Allaah, that the majority of the inhabitants of Heaven are fuqara (the poor) and a hell of a majority of the population are women. But this hadith does not explain the causes that lead them into hell and a majority of the population, but mentioned in other hadith.
In the story of a solar eclipse that the Messenger of Allaah and his companions prayed the eclipse him with long prayers, he Allaah to see Heaven and Hell.
When he saw the hell he said to his companions radliyallahu 'anhum: "... and I see the hell I've never seen anything like it at all, I saw most of the inhabitants are women. Companions asked: "Why would (be) O Messenger of Allaah?" He is Allaah said: "Due to their disbelief." Then asked again: "Are they Kufr to Allah?" He replied: "They Kufr against husband -their husbands, Kufr against the good-good. Even if you do good to any one of them for a long time later he saw something in you (which she did not like) surely he would say: 'I've never seen the slightest good to you.' "(Narrated by Bukhari from Ibn Abbas radliyallahu 'anhuma)
In another hadith, the Messenger of Allaah describes a woman resident of hell, he said: "... and the women are dressed but they are essentially naked, melenggak-lenggokkan their heads with pride and turned away from obedience to God and her husband, their heads as if -would like a camel's hump. They do not go to heaven and do not get the fragrance of Paradise can be found when the fragrance of the travel distance for so and so. "(Narrated by Muslim and Ahmad from Abu Hurayrah radliyallahu 'anhu)
Imran bin Husain of he said, the Prophet Allaah said: "Surely the least the people of Paradise is a woman." (Narrated by Muslim and Ahmad)
Imam Qurtubi rahimahullah comment on the above hadith with the statement: "The cause of at least the women who go to heaven are the passions that dominate in themselves, their inclination to the pleasures of the world, and turned away from the afterlife because they lack reason and they are easy to be fooled by the fun pleasures of the world that causes them to act weak.
Then they also cause the most powerful to turn the men of the hereafter because of the passions in themselves, most of them turned their selves, and in addition to those of the Hereafter, quickly deceived if invited to misuse of religion and it is difficult to accept if invited to the next . "(Jahannam wa Ahwaluha Ahluha Tadzkirah At pages 29-30 and page 369)
Muslim sisters ....
If we look at the description and the hadith closely, surely we will find some of the reasons that women plunged into hell even a majority of the population and which causes them to be a minority of the inhabitants of Heaven.
Muslim sisters .... Avoid these causes may Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala save us from hell. Amin.
A. Kufr Against Husband-His goodness and kindness
Messenger of Allaah to explain this to his word above. This model is too much disbelief we find in the middle of the Muslim family, that a wife yagn deny the virtues of her husband for so long time only in a manner that does not match the husband's will of the wife as the saying goes, heat is removed by rain one day a year.
Yet to be done by a wife is grateful for what is given him, let him mengkufuri the virtues of the husband as Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala will not see this as a model wife described the Prophet peace and blessings be upon yours respectfully: "Allah will not look to women who do not appreciate what is on her husband and did not feel quite with it. "(Narrated by Nasa'i in Al Kubra from Abdullah bin 'Amr. See Al Insyirah fi Adabin Marriages page 76)
The above hadith is a warning for women who want Mukminah pleasure of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala and His Heaven. It is not appropriate for women who expect the afterlife to mengkufuri virtues of her husband and he gave favors and many complained or asked for trivial things that do not deserve to be exaggerated.
If that is the situation then was very well suited if the woman is Kufr against her husband, her kindness and the goodness of the Prophet is said to Allaah as the majority of people who go to hell if they do not abide therein.
Suffice it wives of the Messenger of Allaah and the shahabiyah as role models for the wives of the Faithful in the virtues of gratitude given to her husband.
2. Disobedience against Husband
Iniquities committed by his wife against her husband in general be three forms of iniquity that we often encounter in the life of the Muslim community. Three forms of lawlessness that is:
A. Disobedience to the word.
2. Lawless deeds.
3. Disobedience by word and deed.
The first form is a wife who usually say and being nice to her husband and soon to his call, suddenly changed his attitude to speak harshly and not immediately satisfy calls her husband. Or he meet but with a face that shows displeasure or later come to her husband. Iniquity as is often done by his wife when he forgot or deliberately forgetting the threats of God against this attitude.
These include forms of lawlessness is when a husband and wife talk about the act he did not like his friends or his family without cause is allowed syar'i. Or she accused her husband with the allegations with a view to menjelekkannya and damaging his honor that the name of her husband's bad in the eyes of others. Similar form is when a wife asks in THALAQ or khul'a (divorced) without cause syar'i. Or she claims to have been abused or didhalimi husband or the like with it.
Request for divorce is usually preceded by a quarrel between husband and wife because of dissatisfaction with the wife of her husband's kindness and effort. Or the even worse when it's done because her husband tried to practice the Shari'ah Shari'ah-Allaah and the Sunnah, the Sunnah of His Prophet peace and blessings be upon yours respectfully. It's ugly what do wives like this against her husband. Remember the words of the Messenger of Allaah: "Any woman who asks her husband for divorce without cause (a syar'i, pent.) It is unlawful for him fragrance of Heaven." (Narrated by Abu Dawood and At-Tirmidhi, and in addition both. See Al Insyirah fi Adabin Marriages page 85)
The second form of perfidy committed by the wife in terms of actions that occur when a wife does not want to serve the sexual needs of her husband or when serving or surly husband when they wanted to avoid being touched and kissed, or close the door when her husband was about to come to him and the like with it.
Including from this form is when a wife out of the house without her husband's permission even if only to visit his parents. Such as if a wife run away from her husband's house without cause syar'i. Similarly, if the wife is reluctant to bersafar (traveling) with her husband, betrayed her husband and his property, open and reveal what should be covered from his limbs, walking in public places and markets without a mahram, joking or talking gently filled intimate to the man who is not mahram and the like with it.
Another form is when a wife does not want to dress up or beautify herself for her husband but her husband wanted it, sunnah fasting without the permission of her husband, leaving the rights of Allah such as prayer, bathing janabat, or fasting Ramadlan.
Then every wife who perform such acts are against the rebellious wives and adulterous husbands to Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala.
If both forms of lawlessness was carried out simultaneously by a wife and he is said to be a rebellious wife by words and deeds. (Quoted from the book by Dr. An nushuz. Salih bin Ghanim Sadlan As with several additional pages 23-25)
It was losing a woman who did this iniquity. They prefer the road to hell rather than the road to heaven because it is usually women who do iniquity, iniquity was tempted by the fantasy world and the pleasures that deceive.
Know O Muslim sister, the path to Heaven is not decorated with beautiful flowers, but met with serious obstacles to be passed by human beings except those who were given the hardness of faith by God. But remember at the end of this road there is a Heaven that God provided for His servants who patiently take it.
Know also that the road to hell is beautiful, filled with lust and pleasures of the world that every human being attracted to live it. But remember and be aware that hell awaits those who pursue this path and do not want to turn away from it during her life in the world.
Only the wise women who want to repent to Allah and ask forgiveness from her husband of iniquity-iniquity which he has ever done. He will be back trying to love her husband and steadfast in obeying his orders. He understands the fate in the hereafter and not suffering in the world that he was afraid and crying.
3. Tabarruj
What is meant by tabarruj is a woman who showed her jewelry and beauty of her body and nothing should be required to be covered from the things that can attract male lust. (Al Jilbab Muslimah Mar'atil page 120)
This we find in the words of the Messenger of Allaah about the women who dressed but naked essentially due to their lack of clothing and fabric worn thin. Such comments are consistent with Ibn 'Abd al-Barr rahimahullah when explaining the words of the Prophet peace and blessings be upon him is yours respectfully.
Ibn 'Abd al-Barr said: "The women who intended the Prophet Allaah is wearing thin clothes that make up the body and does not cover it, then they are women who dress in dhahirnya and essentially naked ...." (quoted by Suyuti in Tanwirul Hawalik 3/103)
They are women who like to show off their adornment, when Allaah has forbidden it in His Word: "And do they show their jewels." (An Nur: 31)
Imam Adh Dzahabi rahimahullah stated in his book Al Kabair page 131: "Even from the actions that led to their show is cursed gold ornaments and jewels in the niqab (face cover / veil) them, wear perfume with musk and the semisalnya if they leave the house .... "
With something like this means they are not directly dragged the men into hell, because the women themselves are the attraction is very powerful lust that can shake the faith of sturdy though. Especially for the weak of faith that is not fortified with the knowledge of the Qur'an and Sunnah. Messenger of Allaah himself stated in a saheeh hadeeth that the greatest slander of the most feared men are above women fitnahnya.
History has been talk that how many legendary figures of the world who do not believe in Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala destroyed his career because only female persuasion.
And how many of brotherhood among the Faithful interrupted only because the woman. How many a young heart and abandoned his mother in search of a woman's love, and many other cases that could prove their model is that women deserve to not get the fragrance of Paradise.
Only by word and seduction of a woman capable of plunging the men into the valley of sin and despised even more so if they primp and appeared in front of men. No surprise here and there if the harassment of women, because such is their own handiwork.
O my Muslim sisters .... Avoid tabarruj and Islamy berhiaslah with clothes that save you from sin in this world and Allaah in the Hereafter.
Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala says: "And you stayed in your homes and do not you bertabarruj with tabarrujnya first jahiliyyah people first." (Al Ahzab: 33)
There are many other causes that lead women into the majority of the population of hell. But we are just living on a three because it just because it's three models are commonly found in people's lives in our country.
Muslim sisters ....
Messenger of Allaah never menuntunkan a practice that can save women from Allaah hell. When he finished the sermon feast that contains the command to have fear of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala and His exhortation to obey. He got up went to the women, he advised them and remind them about the afterlife and then he said: "Bershadaqahlah you! Because most of you are kindling hell! "And there stood a woman who sat among the other women who turned blackish cheeks, he also asked:" Why is that, O Messenger of Allah? "He replied:" Because you complain and you kufr against husband! "(Narrated by Bukhari)
Bershadaqahlah! Because Sadaqah is one way to save you from hell Allaah. May Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala save us from adzabnya. Amin.
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