Description of Problem
In the book of remembrance الأذكار النووى explained that there are two. باللسان dhikr and dhikr بالقلب. The main thing is done simultaneously. If not, then better is بالقلب. Then in another book explained that the best dhikr and foremost خفى
To what extent the provisions of dhikr خفى it?
Dhikr خفى that includes dhikr or remembrance باللسان بالقلب?
Seen from the primacy of dhikr خفى Where is it? whether of reward or from the other side?
If dhikr dhikr بالقلب خفى include more mainstream and viewed from the reward, because survivors of riya 'then how to respond to the book description إعانة الطالبين Juz 4 things. 193, which reads: وليس لنا ذكر يثاب عليه من غير لفظ إلا هذا كما تقدم أول الكتاب فى آداب داخل الخلاء it?
Pon. Pes. Gedongsari
Formulation Answer No. 1:
Khofi dhikr is dhikr in the heart or with oral only heard by the dhikr itself (not audible to others)
1. An Nihayah Libnil Asbar Juz 2 things. 57th
2. Al showi alal Jalalain Juz 2 things. 74th
3. Kifayatul Atqiya 'wa Minhajul Asfiya' thing. 107 (Syirkatul Ma'arif Bandung Indonesia)
4. Dalilul Falihin Juz 4 things. 207-208 (Darul Fikr)
Answer Formulation No. 2
No. It has been discussed in the answer. 1
Answer formulation No. 3
Dhikr khofi more important in light of several factors. Among them are:
- Further away from riya '.
- Do not disturb others.
- More great reward.
- More can bring.
1. Kifayatul Atqiya 'Waa Minhajul Ashfiya' thing. 107-108 (Syirkatul Ma'arif London)
2. Tanqihul qoul things. 36th
3. Jami'ul Usulil Auliya 'thing. 163
4. Al Adzkar Nawawi things. 9 (Daru Ihya'il Kutub Al 'Arobiyah)
Formulation Answer No 4
The meaning is like that exist in the book I'anatuth Tholibin is saying the reward or reward known charity angel author (kiriomul katibin). This means that people who are saying the dhikr udzur ordered, it can not do reward though.
References: 1. Kifayatul Atkiya 'Waa Minhajul Ashfiya' thing. 107-108 (Syirkatul Ma'arif London)
2. Ash Hawasyi Syarwani Juz 1 thing. 278-279 (Darul Kutub Al 'Alamiyah)
3. Al Masa'il Al Mantsuroh Fatawi Al Imam Al Nawawi things. 189-190 (Darul Fikr)
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