
Thursday, March 28, 2013

A special polling conducted by yahoo to the followersnya to mark international women's day falls on the 5th of March 2011. Poolingnya question is who is the most powerful woman in the world

A special polling conducted by yahoo to the followersnya to mark international women's day falls on the 5th of March 2011. Poolingnya question is who is the most powerful woman in the world. Nearly 99% of the answers were Mother followers. All women in the world is the mother, then all the awards for women in the world dedicated to a mother.

Indonesia also has a great mother figure, someone who became a role model for women in Indonesia, which is inspiring women of all time, he was the emancipation of women mom mother Kartini, Indonesia true daughter princess scent name, as a fragment of poetry creation WR Supratman.

RA Kartini was born in aristocratic circles at least still allowed for the school. And he also school until he was 12 years old at the ELS (Europese Lagere School). After that RA Kartini in Pingit to wed. In the midst of isolation that he has a habit that eventually opened thinking horizon. He always read western literature, he saw livelihood outside his bedroom window, he read passages gave courage to face the world one by sending a letter to a friend who is in the Netherlands, which gave support to move ahead, the fight for the freedom to get an education to the women of Indonesia. After marrying his pace was not stopped because her husband KRM Duke Ario Singgih Djojo Adhiningrat, so give full support to RA Kartini. With these dukunganya she established her school. Of schools establishment many students who eventually became his partner in the fight for education for women, one of whom is Goddess Sartika.

Warrior women in Indonesia is very much, such as Cut Nyak Dien, Cut Mutia, Martha Christina Tiahahu, and many more, they also fight the same fight for the rights of a woman, one of them for teaching, freedom of the nation, and other rights that should be owned by women. In Islam's life we ​​can see great women of Islam who had fought with their wealth and their souls as Umul Faithful Khodijah, Assia, Maryam, Masitoh, Fatimah, Sumayah, Khonsa and much more. They fought his day. They are a mother who is educated by the Qur'an and assunah, so that they can be successful in this world and in the hereafter.

What about the women of today who never felt isolated by the day and can not get an education, who never took up arms to fight for the independence of his nation, who had never shed blood, tears for a conviction and never become a mother let her child die in battle. Still Can not the woman becoming a hero today? The answer, of course you can, it was evident when the world still has wonderful women either exposed or not.

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