
Friday, May 18, 2012

abdurahman bin 'auf

he is a man who converted to Islam two days after Abu Bakar Islamic assidiq. Fought alongside the Prophet in Mecca, suffered humiliation, torture and humiliation of the great pagans of Quraish and various other trials. But like his other friends, torture did not cause them to recede struggling, even more to improve the quality of his faith. He was among those who participated emigrated, and after arriving in Medina, the Ansar Companions met and accepted, then the Prophet be friends with them by Sa'ad ibn Rabi 'al Anshary, one of the richest in the city. Knowing Abdurrahman ibn Auf leave his wife and his wealth in Mecca to emigrate following the Messenger of Allah, one day there is a very interesting dialogue ...

"Brother, I was the richest man in Medina. I have two gardens and two wives. Choose which one you love gardens, and wife where you want. I'll take it off to a garden, and be your wife," said Sa'ad. Get this offer, reject it with a fine ibn Auf, and said,
"May God bless your family and property, just show me where the market". Then began he tried to become laborers on other people, sometimes to be porters of goods. And any income earned partly saved, partly he infakkan. In a time not long, he began to buy goods to sell later. Because honesty, persistence and expertise in business, his business was growing, and in just two short years he already has his own caravan, to establish business relationships with various people in various countries.

Which is very interesting from Abdurahman ibn Auf berinfaknya this is the spirit. Once upon a time according to the Prophet spoke, "O people, bersedekahlah! Because I wanted to send troops". He rushed home and returned to set aside, he said, "O Messenger of Allah, I have a 4000 dirham. Half lent to God. And the other half I left for my family." This event occurs before the battle of Uhud. Likewise, when before the battle of Tabuk. Medina was having a bad season. The distance traveled so far, while supplies are available and transportation is very limited. Prophet called on Muslims to berinfak. And they were soon to meet this appeal, and the vanguard of course, Abdur-Rahman ibn Awf. He himself menginfakkan entire estate, and actions that encourage Umar ibn Khattab reported, he said, "O Messenger of Allah, I think Rahman ibn Auf hardship on his family, and this includes sin, because he did not leave anything to them at all."

Then the Prophet called Abdurrahman ibn Auf, and asked, "do you have to leave something for your family?"

"Already," he replied, "I left a lot more than that kuinfakkan,"

"What is it, and how much?" asked the Prophet

"Rizki ie, goodness and reward promised by Allah and His Messenger."

After the Prophet's death, he was in charge of taking care of ummahatul-believers, provide for their needs and maintain their dignity. He never sold the land valued at 40 000 dinars, and the proceeds divided them out to the wives of the Prophet, the people and the poor and the indigent muhajirin. Prayer of the Prophet proved. He became the richest friend. Property that has brought him into the person to receive the blessings and pleasure of Allah. Being thankful people by constantly
help and attention to the needs of others.

Medina had happened one day shaking and rumbling since the arrival of a convoy of caravans ibn Auf 700 camels carrying a full load of merchandise,

"What was that?" asked Siti Aishah

"The voice of Abdurrahman ibn Auf caravan," said one

"God bless all who diinfakkan in the world, and a greater reward in the Hereafter. I heard the Messenger say that Ibn Auf will enter heaven if you do not want to crawl berinfak." It turned out that in the not too distant, Ibn Auf heard Aisha saying this, and he immediately went to him, then asked:

"O mother, do you hear the words spoken by the Prophet?"

"Right," said Aisha.

His eyes sparkled. His heart was filled with happiness, he said:

"O Mother, be my witness, I want to enter heaven by standing up and running. All this camel with all existing merchandise kuinfakkan sabilillah fi for the cause."

May God always blessed you, O Companions of the Prophet, I am really happy to know them as the example beings. Love of God, loyalty to the Prophet, his desire to get the pleasure, his yearning to enter paradise, it has been growing extraordinary spirit of sacrifice, sacrifice, and sacrifice with what they have. This is human unity. People who truly understand the meaning of laa ilaha illa Allah, Prophet Muhammad al.

Through this story, there are some important lessons we can take, namely:

- There is no love without sacrifice. Such a deep love for Allah and His Messenger berkoban foster a spirit of extraordinary. And this is only possible because of monotheism has been the foundation of all philosophy of life and activity keduniaannya.

- Man of tawheed is the one who always be optimistic, have Himma (work ethic) is high, kafa'ah (capabilities and professional), and continued to hone his soul and his ability.

- The principle of unity of human life is give, give, give and take. Not like we take and give: take the first and give, but give, give and give, and then they take what God gives.

- Always set aside any income available for savings. Future oriented, and be anticipatory of all possibilities. Mengamal human
God's commands, among others, in Sura al-qashas [28]: 77

the story of a log

One picture that can be used as a lesson is what is told by the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam about two people in the ancient Israelites. The story is narrated by Al-Bukhari in his Saheeh mu'allaq and Al-Imam Ahmad in his Musnad from the hadith of Abu Hurairah, from the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam,أنه ذكر رجلا من بني إسرائيل سأل بعض بني إسرائيل أن يسلفه ألف دينار, فقال: ائتني بالشهداء أشهدهم. فقال: كفى بالله شهيدا. قال: فأتني بالكفيل. قال: كفى بالله كفيلا. قال: صدقت. فدفعها إليه إلى أجل مسمى فخرج في البحر فقضى حاجته ثم التمس مركبا يركبها يقدم عليه للأجل الذي أجله فلم يجد مركبا, فأخذ خشبة فنقرها فأدخل فيها ألف دينار وصحيفة منه إلى صاحبه ثم زجج موضعها ثم أتى بها إلى البحر, فقال: اللهم إنك تعلم أني كنت تسلفت فلانا ألف دينار فسألني كفيلا فقلت كفى بالله كفيلا, فرضي بك وسألني شهيدا فقلت كفى بالله شهيدا فرضي بك, وأني جهدت أن أجد مركبا أبعث إليه الذي له فلم أقدر وإني أستودعكها. فرمى بها في البحر حتى ولجت فيه ثم انصرف وهو في ذلك يلتمس مركبا يخرج إلى بلده. فخرج الرجل الذي كان أسلفه ينظر لعل مركبا قد جاء بماله فإذا بالخشبة التي فيها المال فأخذها لأهله حطبا, فلما نشرها وجد المال والصحيفة ثم قدم الذي كان أسلفه, فأتى بالألف دينار فقال: والله, ما زلت جاهدا في طلب مركب لآتيك بمالك فما وجدت مركبا قبل الذي أتيت فيه. قال: هل كنت بعثت إلي بشيء? قال: أخبرك أني لم أجد مركبا قبل الذي جئت فيه. قال: فإن الله قد أدى عنك الذي بعثت في الخشبة فانصرف بالألف الدينار راشداHe (sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam) mentioned a man who asked for the Children of Israel to someone other than the Children of Israel in order to lend him a thousand dinars. Then said the owner of the money, "bring me witness, that I testified to them."The man who borrowed it said, "Allah is sufficient as a witness."The owner of the money said, "Give me a guarantee."

be a beggar for the sake of science

Imam Baqi Al-Andalusi Bin Makhlad disguised as a beggar to listen to the knowledge of Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal rahimahullah.This is another story, including a unique story more interesting, what happened to a pious Maghrib region, from among the scholars of the Maghrib Aqsa traveling eastwards. A pious Maghreb region are traveling to the east to meet one of his Imam and take knowledge from him. However, when he reached him, he found it was in isolir and the gallant, humans should not be met. So, he blindly tactics and unique way, so he could meet him and take knowledge from him. The possible ways you never imagined, that if it did not happen. And, history is the father of wonder and uniqueness.