
Friday, May 18, 2012

difficulty of finding a science

Nasab historians and experts, Ibn Sa'ad, said in his book Thabaqatul Ath-Kubra, VI: 372, when talking about Imam Sufyan Ats-Tsauri rahimahullah (born in 97 AH, and died in 161 H), "Sufyan Ats-Tsauri hide Abbasid Caliph of Al-Mahdi as the truth of a sentence which he said, and made ​​Al-Mahdi angry. Al-Mahdi seek to punish him. So, Sufyan Ats-Tsauri hiding in Mecca and not appear in front of audiences. At that time, he experienced poverty and hardship are very heavy. When he was in poor condition and difficult, his sister sent him a bag of Kuffah khusykananaj through his friend, Abu Shihab Al-Hannath.

Abu Shihab Al-Hannath arrived in Mecca. When he asked about Sufyan, then shown to him, that may be Sufyan was sitting behind the doors of Al-Ka'bah after Hannathin. Abu Shihab said, "I went to a place on purpose, Sufyan is my friend. I saw the center back, and I greeted him. However, do not ask anything as usual, and did not answer my compliments. I told him, "Behold, your sister sent a bag of cookies and khusykannaj you." He said, "Get here fast." Then she sat down.

I said, "O Abu Abdillah, I come to you, but you do not answer it. However, when I say to you that I was carrying a bag of cookies that is not how much it costs, then you immediately sit down and talk to me. "

He replied, "O Abu Shihab, do not blame me already three days I did not eat anything." Abu Shihab said, "Yes, I understand."

Sources: Fierce Patience The cleric, Sheik Abdul Fatah, Zam-Zam Wellspring of Science, 2008
Original title: Shafahat min Shabril 'Ulama', Shaykh Abdul Fatah, Al-Maktab al-Islamiyya Mathbu'at cet. 1394 H./1974 M

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