
Friday, May 18, 2012

converted to Islam because of the pharaoh mummies

A native of French SurgeonDeclared himself to Islam, due to the mummy of PharaohProfessor Maurice Bucaille is a leading surgeon in the world who came from France. He has an amazing story. He explains the causes he had left the Catholic religion in anutnya many years, then said he embraced Islam.After completing his studies at the high school, he menetepkan to take on a univertsitas medical school in France. He was one of the students who excel until the end of the year, because of intelligence and expertise, he later became a prominent physician in France.France is a country known to maintain close and importance of ancient relics compared to other countries, especially in the leadership of metron Fransu 1981.In that year, the French asked for permission to Egypt so that they are given the opportunity to inspect and examine the mummy of the famous Fir'aunnya.

kerena mumi firaun

Seorang Dokter Bedah Berasal dari Prancis
Menyatakan dirinya masuk Islam, disebabkan oleh Mumi Fir'aun

Professor Maurice Bucaille adalah seorang dokter ahli bedah terkemuka di dunia yang berasal dari Prancis. Ia mempunyai cerita yang sangat menakjubkan. Ia menjelaskan sebab musabab dirinya meninggalkan agama Katolik yang telah di anutnya bertahun-tahun, kemudian menyatakan dirinya memeluk agama Islam.
Setelah menyelesaikan study setingkat SMA-nya, ia menetepkan untuk mengambil jurusan kedokteran pada sebuah univertsitas di Prancis. Ia termasuk salah satu dari mahasiswa yang berprestasi hingga akhir tahun, karena kecerdasan dan keahlian yang dimilikinya, dia kemudian menjadi seorang dokter terkemuka di Prancis.

the story of a barber

A customer came to the barber to cut hair and smoothing his beard. The barber began cutting hair and begin to engage their customers are starting to warm conversation. They talked about many things and various variations of the subject, and just switch the subject of God. The barber says, "I do not believe God exists"."Why do you say that?" Said the consumer. The barber replied, "Well, you just look ahead, on the streets .... to realize that God does not exist. Then tell me, if God exists, are there people who are sick? Is there an abandoned child? "He continued," If God exists, there will be no pain or distress. I can not imagine he said the All-Merciful God will let it all happen. "The customer thought for a moment, but did not respond because he did not want to start an argument. The barber completed its work and the customer left the place the barber.Some time after the customer leaves the room, he saw a man on the street with long hair, wavy rough "mlungker-mlungker" (his term Java), a dirty and unshaven whiskers. The man looked dirty and unkempt.Then the consumer back to the barber and said, "You know, actually that does not exist in this world is a barber."The barber did not accept, "You can really say that? I'm here and my barber. And I just mencukurmu! ""No!" Evasive of the consumer. "Barbers do not exist, because if there is, there will be no people with dirty long hair and brewokan like people who are out there," the customer added."Ah no, but there remains the barber!" Protested the barber. "What you see is their own fault, why did they not come to me," the barber replied defensively."It fits!" Said the consumers agreed. "That's his main point! Equal with God, the LORD IS THERE TOO! But what happened? These people DO NOT WANT HIM TO COME to, and WILL NOT FIND HIM. Therefore a lot of pain and distress in the world affected by this. "The barber was eventually shyly nodded approving these arguments and thank God for this event, so it can find a Beautiful and Delicious Rezeki Greatest.The story above tells the story of faith, belief, or monotheism,But, sometimes we are defeated by the devil. Absolutely, defeated. Ah, yes what? Yes! The devil, so ugly, he still had the name of faith.- Satan believe that God was God. Imagine, some people still regard the others as God.- The devil's faith that Allah Almighty. Satan believe that for God nothing is impossible. Imagine, some people still deny, "It's impossible, it's impossible!"- Satan believe that the Prophet Muhammad and the Quran is true. Imagine, some people still question. This is evident when most people are still looking for someone else as a role model and look for other sources as the primary reference.- Believing that Satan exists Judgment Day. Imagine, some people still doubted. This is evident when some people still dare to cheat, steal, and torture, as if nothing will be returned.- Satan believe that heaven and hell exist. Did not he ever was in heaven and humans will not necessarily be in heaven? Imagine, some people are still guessing.Believe me, IMAN it is a 'provision' is most expensive and largest ... What about faith?